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God's little book of hope

God's little book of hope

Code: 9780007246250

€ 7.50

Publisher: n/a
Author: Richard Daly
Year: Richard Daly

A pocket-sized book filled with inspirational religious thoughts on the theme of hope.
Each page has an inspirational thought or idea
along with a related Bible reference for further reading and encouragement.
''What a caterpillar calls the end
the rest of the world calls a butterfly.'' In a time when things seem rather despairing
and when the news of the day seems to be nothing more than bad news
what hope is there when the future seems so hopeless? There are people dying with no hope and
perhaps even worse
people living with no hope...
and yet in the midst of such a seemingly dark and gloomy outlook
there is a ray of light.
We can experience life and be optimistic of a bright future and a hopeful tomorrow.
It is God's desire that we live life abundantly
but how can we do this?

Open this little book at any page
and answers will be provided
enabling you to experience a life worth living: ''Pick yourself up when you fall down.
No one else is likely to.'' ''There are no hopeless situations...
only attitudes that have grown hopeless about them.''

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