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Pray with the bible - meditate with the word

Pray with the bible - meditate with the word

Code: 9788820989118

€ 17.50


Publisher: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Author: Gabriel Mestre
Size: 19.5x24cm



PRAY WITH THE BIBLE - MEDITATE WITH THE WORD - examines the theme of prayerful reading of the Bible or the 'Lectio Divina' the ancient method by which the early Church Fathers taught in reading and interpreting the Scriptures. In particular
the volume consists of six chapters: the first three are given a lengthy introduction to Lectio Divina focusing on the mystery of the Bible on the books of which it is composed its interpretation and finally to the figure of Christ in the sacred texts.
The fourth chapter examines instead the Spirituality of the encounter with Christ. Finally the last two chapters focus more closely on the issue of Lectio Divina: the fifth chapter presents an overview of the post-conciliar papal rich reflection the sixth instead provides a detailed description of the traditional steps that make up the Lectio Divina. An agile but complete manual is particularly useful for all those who want a deeper understanding of the prayerful reading of the Scriptures.

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