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Vanishing grace

Vanishing grace

Code: 9780310339328

€ 21.50

Publisher: n/a
Author: Philip Yancey
Year: Philip Yancey
Harc cover.

'Why does the church stir up such negative feelings?' This is a question that Philip Yancey has been asking all his life - for himself
as a pilgrim
for others
as a journalist.
The question is more relevant now than ever: in the UK Christianity continues to decline
even as it is increasingly thought to be linked with intolerant
fundamentalist attitudes.
Yet while identification with traditional forms of Christian religion is dropping
indicators show that interest in spirituality is rising.
Why the disconnect? Why are so many asking
'What's so good about the ''good news?''' Yancey's lifelong writing career has always focused on the search for honest faith that makes a visible difference for a world in pain.
In his landmark book What's So Amazing about Grace? he issued a benchmark call for Christians to be as grace-filled in their behaviour as they are in asserting their beliefs.
People inside and outside the church are still thirsty for grace
Yancey points out.
Perhaps what the church seemed to lack in its heyday is now
in its increasingly marginalised stance
exactly what it needs to recover in order to thrive.

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